
Spoken English and Spoken Italian

Grammar and Translation

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Buch. Hardcover


295 S.

In englischer Sprache

Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 978-1-03-644107-4


This book investigates the grammar of spoken English and spoken Italian, and ways to translate spoken expressions. It proposes Italian equivalents of English spoken discourse markers and English versions of Italian clitic expressions. It firstly outlines the main features of spoken English grammar by providing insights from the literature and examples from British and American spoken language corpora. It then outlines the characteristics of neo-standard Italian and what makes it peculiar, especially in its spoken form. Building on literature findings and on corpus-based evidence, it investigates the frequencies and usages of the words (and of the non-words) characterising the English spoken language and their Italian equivalents. It explores natural-occurring dialogues in spoken language banks, as well as in narratives, film dubbing and film subtitles. It proposes Italian corpus-sourced equivalents of English discourse markers and English versions of Italian clitic constructions. This book is innovative as no other academic work has focused thoroughly on the translation of spoken language. Its methodology is fully replicable thanks to its detailed comprehensive analyses.

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