"A very rich and useful research on Algeria, merging historical and political perspectives. It paves the way to a very stimulating and comparative concept, as the Algerian regime is conceived as a 'competitive authoritarianism.' To be absolutely used by political scientists, historians and all those who are keen on the Algerian puzzle!"
-Bertrand Badie, Professor Emeritus of Universities at Sciences Po Paris, France
"Excellent insights into the functioning of a competitive authoritarian system that for decades has managed to weather substantial challenges through fine-tuning of its 'toolkit rather than overhauling its foundations. This book impressively dissects how the regime has used competition within authoritarianism to thwart civil society and, the Hirak."
-Isabelle Werenfels, Senior Fellow and Maghreb Expert, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, Germany
This book unravels the secrets behind the Algerian regime's survival and the pillarsof its longevity. How did authoritarian consolidation happen, and why is it likely to continue despite Bouteflika's departure and the emergence of a new actor: the popular movement, Hirak. The author sheds light on the pillars behind the durability of Algeria's regime. The latter has demonstrated an extraordinary capacity to perpetuate itself through an array of mechanisms. It identifies Algeria's authoritarianism as a distinctly competitive and adaptable kind, which has better allowed the regime to persist in the face of all manner of change. The book analyzes Algeria's situation and the regime persistence far from the premise of a trend towards democratization. The project also contributes to a broader area of study concerned with "competitive authoritarianism," regimes that face domestic resistance, the question of what and how compels such regimes to change, the nature of their political institutions, and more.
Dalia Ghanem is a former Senior Resident Scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, Lebanon, where her research focused on Algeria's political, economic, social, and security developments.