
Arbeitstechniken für Romanisten

Eine Anleitung für den Bereich Linguistik

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Buch. Hardcover

2., aktualisierte Auflage. 2013

X, 148 S.

De Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-031014-6

Format (B x L): 24 x 17 cm

Gewicht: 275 g

Das Werk ist Teil der Reihe: Romanistische Arbeitshefte; 53


The Romanistische Arbeitshefte (Romance Studies Workbooks), edited by Georgia Veldre-Gerner and Volker Noll since 2004, have been constant and reliable companions for students of Romance Studies for fifty years. In their conception, they are designed as a reflection of the present state of research with an orientation towards application and the specific needs and difficulties of students. Thus they provide a reliable instrument for getting to grips with various areas of Romance linguistic studies and encourage students to utilise their newly-acquired knowledge with integrated exercises.

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