
Network Analysis for Book Historians

Digital Labour and Data Visualization Techniques

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ca. 122,00 €

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Buch. Hardcover


157 S. 41 s/w-Abbildungen, 7 Farbabbildungen, 15 s/w-Tabelle.

In englischer Sprache

Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 978-1-80270-268-2

Format (B x L): 15,2 x 22,9 cm

Das Werk ist Teil der Reihe: Book Cultures


Researchers and archivists have spent decades digitizing and cataloguing, but what does the future hold for book history? This book explores the potential of network analysis as a method for medieval and early modern book history. Presented through case studies of the Cotton Library, the Digital Index of Middle English Verse, and the Pforzheimer Collection, this book offers a blueprint for drawing on extant scholarly resources to visualize relationships between people, text, and books. Such visualizations serve as a new form of reference work with the potential to offer new, broad insights into the history of book collecting, compilation, and use. This volume gives a realistic look at the decision-making involved in digital humanities work, and emphasizes the value of so-called "mechanical" labour in scholarship.

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