Virtuelle Realität
Proceedings of the 8th International XR-Metaverse Conference 2023, Las Vegas, USA
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Implications for Business and Society
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Business Application of AR, VR, XR and Metaverse
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Das Metaverse verstehen und gewinnbringend nutzen: Einführung für Unternehmen
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Research Tools for System Dynamics
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Wie Designer kreativen Freiraum für Rezipienten interaktiver Produkte schaffen
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The Merging of Reality and Virtuality in the Metaverse
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Enchanting Spaces
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Law, Economics, and Finance
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Harness the Power of Virtual Reality to Connect with Consumers
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Extended Reality in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Medien
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Immersive Technologien und virtuelle Welten: Grundlagen, Status quo, Ein- und Ausblicke
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Augmented and Virtual Reality Apps in Collaborative Processes
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Select Proceedings of ICSE 2023
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An Extended Reality (XR) Model-Based Approach
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M. Barry / Kanematsu
Applications of Metaverse and Virtual Reality to Creative Education and Industry
Applications of Metaverse and Virtual Reality to Creative Education and Industry
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First International Conference, ICXR 2024, Xiamen, China, November 14–17, 2024, Proceedings
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Potential Applications for Users With and Without Cognitive Impairments
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