Analytische Chemie
Analytische Chemie
Nachhaltigkeit und Megatrends
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New Targets, Strategies, Methods
Fachbuch2025Wiley-VCH GmbHISBN 978-3-527-34877-0
Fachbuch2025De GruyterISBN 978-3-11-049204-0
Fachbuch2025SpringerISBN 978-3-031-31689-0
Fachbuch7. Auflage 20252025Springer SpektrumISBN 978-3-662-67336-2
Adu-Gyamfi / Skrzypek / Imfeld / Heng
Tracing the Sources and Fate of Contaminants in Agroecosystems
Tracing the Sources and Fate of Contaminants in Agroecosystems
Applications of Multi-stable Isotopes
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Jones / Khan Chowdhury
COVID-19 and Environmental Ecosystem
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Von den Grundlagen bis zu Anwendungen in Chemie, Biochemie und Biophysik
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From Formation to Remediation
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Enzyme Catalysis Today and the Chemistry of the 21st Century
Enzyme Catalysis Today and the Chemistry of the 21st Century
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Microplastics (MPs) in Wastewater: Determination-Treatment Methods and Effects on Climate Change
Microplastics (MPs) in Wastewater: Determination-Treatment Methods and Effects on Climate Change
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For Industrial Wastewater Treatment
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Bioactive Phytochemicals in By-products from Bulb, Flower and Fruit Vegetables
Bioactive Phytochemicals in By-products from Bulb, Flower and Fruit Vegetables
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Natural Products, Green Synthesis and Bioactivity
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Astrobiology for Nonscientists
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Natural Products, Green Synthesis and Bioactivity
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Natural Products, Green Synthesis and Bioactivity
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Fachbuch3., Third Edition 20252025SpringerISBN 978-3-031-66626-1
Volume 1 - Foundation of Brain-Computer Interface Technology
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