Beck-Brandt / Köhler / Czerny / Moeller / Myslliwiec

Ägypten und Levante /Egypt and the Levant. Internationale Zeitschrift... / Ägypten und Levante XXX / Egypt and the Levant XXX - Jubiläumsausgabe – 30 Jahre Ägypten und Levante Anniversary Edition – 30 Years of Egypt and the Levant

International Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines

lieferbar, ca. 10 Tage

200,00 €

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Buch. Softcover


633 S.

In englischer Sprache

Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. ISBN 978-3-7001-8835-3

Format (B x L): 21 x 29,7 cm

Gewicht: 2320 g


Manfred Bietak, Ernst Czerny, Vorwort für das Herausgebergremium/
Preface for the Editorial Board
A farewell to our dear friend and colleague Jochen Holger Schutkowski (1956–2020)
(Manfred Bietak)
E. Christiana Köhler, Of culture wars and the clash of civilizations in Prehistoric Egypt –
an epistemological analysis
Barbara E. Barich, Comment to: “Christiana Köhler, Of culture wars and the clash
of civilizations in Prehistoric Egypt – An epistemological analysis”
Krzysztof M. Cialowicz, Of culture wars and the clash of civilizations in Prehistoric Egypt –
a different perspective
Stan Hendrickx and Frank Förster, Violence and the early Egyptian state
Mariusz A. Jucha, The so-called “Naqadian expansion” to the north and the new archaeological
evidence for the fall and development of Nile Delta settlements during the second half
of the IVth Millennium BC
Agnieszka Maczynska, Shaky foundations of the Egyptian civilisation. Response article to
Of culture wars and the clash of civilizations in Prehistoric Egypt – an epistemological
analysis by E. Christiana Köhler, Vienna
Andrea Manzo, Clash of civilisations on the First Cataract? A southern point of view, from
old assumptions to new complexities
Béatrix Midant-Reynes, Of culture wars and the clash of civilizations in Prehistoric Egypt –
an epistemological analysis by E. Christiana Köhler, Vienna. Commentary
Tell el-Retaba
Lukasz Jarmuzek, Slawomir Rzepka and Agnieszka Rys, Tell el-Retaba in the
1st Millennium BC. Results of the Polish-Slovak Archaeological Mission, season 2019
Anna Grezak, Animal economy at the settlement at Tell el-Retaba in the Third Intermediate
Period reconstructed on the basis of faunal remains excavated in seasons 2014–2019
Claire Malleson, Chaff, dung, and wood: fuel use at Tell el-Retaba. Archaeobotanical
investigations in the Third Intermediate Period settlement, Area 9 excavations 2015–2019
Katarzyna Trzcinska and Anna Wodzinska, ‘Pigeon pots’ from Tell el-Retaba
Ägypten und Levante Bd 30.indb 7 13.12.2020 10:02:43
8 Inhaltsverzeichnis/Contents
Maria Choleva, Reinhard Jung and Eleftheria Kardamaki, Working on the potter’s wheel:

technological insights into Mycenaean pottery production
Sabina Cvecek, Throwing their weights around? Anthropological perspectives on commodity
and gift exchange at the dawn of the Early Bronze Age in western Anatolia
Francesco I. De Magistris, Yarimuta as the Yarkon River Valley
Aaron M. de Souza, Pots, gold, and viceroys: shifting dynamics of Egyptian-Nubian relations
at the transition to the New Kingdom, from the viewpoint of Middle Nubian pottery
at Tell Edfu
Filip Frankovic and Uroš Matic, The lion, the weapon and the warlord: historical evaluation
of the early Late Bronze Age Aegean iconography
Haskel. J. Greenfield, Tina L. Greenfield, Elizabeth Arnold, Itzick Shai, Shira Albaz and
Aren M. Maeir, Evidence for movement of goods and animals from Egypt to Canaan during
the Early Bronze of the southern Levant: A view from Tell es-Sâfi/Gath
Alicja Jurgielewicz, The iconography of fish in the Nagada culture
Magdalena Kazimierczak and Konrad Grzyb, Distribution of the pottery coffins and ceramic
vessels within the Early Dynastic graves from Tell el-Murra cemetery
Kacper Laube, The lost necropolis and the sacred landscape of Leontopolis (Tell el-Moqdam)
Maciej Makowski, Third-millennium BC clay figurines from Tell Djassa el Gharbi,
Tell Abu Hafur and Tell Rad Shaqrah (Syria)
Pierre Meyrat, Goddess ‘name’ or name of a goddess? Astarte and her epithet on the stela of Betu
(TBO 760)
Silvia Prell, Hard to pin down – clothing pins in the Eastern Delta of Egypt and their diffusion
in the Middle Bronze Age
Krzysztof Radtke, Application of hypothetical square grids to the analysis of proportions of
seated human figures in the Old Kingdom relief
Jonathon Wylie and Daniel Master, The conditions for Philistine ethnogenesis
Sharon Zuckerman†, Shlomit Bechar, David Ben-Shlomo, Hans Mommsen and
Penelope A. Mountjoy, Neutron activation analysis of Mycenaean pottery from north Israel:

reconstruction of Aegean-Levantine trade patterns

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