Bayer-Wermuth / Museum Brandhorst

This Is Me, This Is You. Die Eva Felten Fotosammlung/The Eva Felten Photography Collection

lieferbar, 3-5 Tage

54,00 €

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Buch. Hardcover


304 S. 220 Farbabbildungen.

Deutscher Kunstverlag. ISBN 978-3-422-80116-5

Format (B x L): 23 x 32 cm

Gewicht: 1859 g


Subscriction price until April 7, 2024: 45,00 € / $ 49,99 / £ 39,50 With over 1,000 works by a total of more than 140 artists from the 1930s to the present, Eva Felten has built up a unique photo collection over the past four decades, which is presented in this catalog for the first time. This Is Me. This Is You is dedicated to the photographic view of people, reflecting on questions of intimacy and desire as well as power relations and structural inequalities inscribed in the medium. The book provides an in-depth look at the collection, which includes a variety of renowned positions in the history of photography and contemporary art, from Diane Arbus, Robert Frank, Gordon Parks to Richard Avedon, Sherrie Levine, Richard Prince, as well as Roni Horn, Arthur Jafa, and Deana Lawson. - Key works from the history of international photography
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