Bal / Pani

Biochemistry of Non-Shivering Thermogenesis in Vertebrates

Evolutionary Perspectives

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ca. 162,50 €

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Buch. Hardcover


247 S. 10 s/w-Abbildungen, 30 Farbabbildungen, 1 Farbfoto, 10 s/w-Zeichnungen, 29 Farbzeichnungen, 6 s/w-Tabelle.

In englischer Sprache

Taylor & Francis Ltd. ISBN 978-1-03-245634-8

Format (B x L): 17.8 x 25.4 cm


This comprehensive reference book covers non-shivering thermogenesis, metabolic rates, and associated diseases. It emphasizes the phylogenetic relations of vertebrate non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) and its evolutionary significance. The book describes how the incidence of metabolic syndromes has reached epidemic levels worldwide due to dysregulation in energy balance. Chapters include the evolution and regulatory mechanisms of NSTs. It covers the role of NST in birds and wild animals, and muscle adaptation during hibernation. The book is meant for researchers and students of biochemistry, molecular medicine, and physiology. It is also useful to physicians and health care professionals.

Key Features:

- Provides in-depth insights on topics related to metabolic rate regulation and thermogenesis

- Covers the evolution of tachymetabolism and endothermy among vertebrates

- Analyzes the evolutionary perspectives of non-shivering thermogenesis in different organisms

- Discusses the evolution of brown adipose tissue and non-shivering thermogenesis in mammals

- Provides graphs, flowcharts, and descriptive figures for easy understanding of concepts

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