Authors / Koeppel / Martínez de la Parte

Instant Insights: Understanding and Tackling Fusarium Wilt of Banana

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Buch. Softcover


112 S.

In englischer Sprache

Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Ltd. ISBN 978-1-83545-260-8


This book features five peer-reviewed reviews on understanding and tackling Fusarium wilt in global banana production. The first chapter examines the way in which monoculture has affected the banana industry and discusses the available banana varieties, the advent of the Cavendish variety and the need to develop new banana varieties. The second chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the history, epidemiology and management of F. oxysporum forma specialis cubense Race 1 and 2 – the fungus which causes Fusarium wilt of banana. The third chapter documents the spread of Tropical Race 4 throughout the major Cavendish banana-producing regions of the world and highlights the importance of breeding for resistance to diversify the banana crop for the export trade. The fourth chapter reviews the potential of particular breeding technologies, such as genetic engineering and induced mutagenesis, to improve the performance of Cavendish cultivars and overcome current biological and environmental challenges. The final chapter considers the challenges associated with developing hybrid banana varieties with improved properties and uses insights from Embrapa’s banana breeding programme in Brazil to highlight these challenges and how they could possibly be mitigated. What is an Instant Insight? An Instant Insight gives you immediate access to key research on a topic, allowing you to get right to the heart of a subject in an instant and empowering you to contribute to sustainable agriculture.

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