Anumba / Lu

Routledge Handbook of Smart Built Environment

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ca. 212,50 €

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Buch. Hardcover


350 S. 10 s/w-Abbildungen, 65 Farbabbildungen, 65 Farbfotos, 10 s/w-Zeichnungen.

In englischer Sprache

Taylor & Francis Ltd. ISBN 978-1-03-246208-0

Format (B x L): 17.4 x 24.6 cm


The primary aim of this edited volume is to document the current theories, best practices, and technological advancements in the move towards a Smart Built Environment (SBE). The needs to accelerate towards the SBE are numerous and include:

- Increasing complexities and the need for interconnectivity within the built environment (e.g. mega infrastructure projects)

- Data-driven decision-making resulting in higher demand from clients (e.g. smart design, construction, operation, and end of life [EOL])

- High requirements from stakeholders (e.g. system efficiency, environmental performance, green procurement)

- Fast paced technological advancement and integration

- Natural disaster resilience of the built environment (e.g. prediction, smart control of building component)

- Sustainability issues around the built environment

In this book, the interrelationships among the various lifecycle stages: design, construction, operation, and EOL; the collective benefit of synergy at building level, multi-infrastructure level, and city-level, as well as the ultimate goals in relation to the deployment of smart technologies in the industry are addressed. Part I covers smart design and construction, Part II smart living, and operation, and Part III broadens the scope to the whole smart city. Chapters examine:

- How smart technologies can improve the effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency of the built environment

- An overview of theories and practices that are enabled by innovations and technologies for developing the SBE

- The basis for new research agenda, new concepts, and frameworks for future development

This handbook documents the current theories, practices, and technologies and develops a holistic approach for research and practice by adopting a multidimensional outlook for the SBE. It is an essential reference work for all built environment stakeholders, from academia through to the professions.

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