Leseproben und andere Materialien
Informationen zu den Autorinnen/Autoren & weitere Veröffentlichungen
This is the new revised English edition of a Commentary
on the basic European Treaties which has already very
successfully gone through five editions written in German.
It comprises concise article-by-article comments
on the Treaty of the European Union and the Treaty on
the Functioning of the EU in their latest versions, supplemented
by the Charter of Fundamental Rights (including
the comments of the European Convent’s Presidency) and
the Treaty Protocols. The authors, all of them specialists
on European Law, provide a compact overview of the European
primary law and also refer to the relevant secondary
law. They give introductions to the particular legal areas
and attach particular importance to the current case
law of the European Court of Justice.
In this book the Teaties are analysed article-by-article
consistently using a common systematic, beginning with
the norm’s text, a list of specific literature, and followed
by an overview and a concise analysis of the norm. Focus
is laid on the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the
European Union.
The Commentary caters for the needs of both beginners
in the field of European law and experienced practitioners
in need of some kind of reassurance.
Verlag C.H.Beck GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelmstraße 9
80801 München, Deutschland